





Be careful about the cold!!
Have a nice winter vacatiion:D



Last Friday, I discussed about Disney with キャスリン、カンキチ君 and 生駒薫君.  I didn't know that Japanese character's voice is different to other country one. But some characters is same voice of Japanese. I want to watch Disney movies in English!



This year is already December!! I feel one year past too early XD
 Recently, I'm thinking what do I do over the final a month. How do you do?



Last friday, I was talking about languege with Mr.Masden. What do you do to study in addition to your mother tongue?  I'm scary to speak except Japanes because my grammer and accent is really good. But I can do that reason why  everyone is kind when I talk at English . It is important to be aggressive in talking with other people in addition to your mother tongue.

Incidentally, I ate  many food Saturday and Sunday. I was very happy on weekend♪
Tomorrow is my best friend birth day so I'm looking fotrword to seeing her!!


In Nagasaki

I went to the Nagasaki with seminar friends! I enjoyed and made many memories. We visited atomic bomb museum, '地獄温泉', Inasa mountain, Oura cathedral and Shimabara castle. I went to the Mass at first time. I felt that personality is mysterious and thought to want to go there again. Saturday night, I talked 'girls talk'  with Jen, Kelsee, 賴,  Mio san, Ayano, Yurie, Arisa and Kana. We enjoyed then and I couldn't belive it because I talked in English! I almost was taranslated to Miosan but I was very happy.  I wanna go anywhere with everyone♪



27th is my birth day!!
I was gave to many massage and presents :) I was very happy and lucky girl.



We talked about hours of sleep and class. Our group are Anna, Kankichi and me. Kankichi has part time job 4 times for a week so his sleep time is 5~6 hours. He always goes to bet at 1 or 2 o'clock and get up at 6 but he said ' I used to like this life'. On the other hand, Anna said ' I wannna have 8 hours'. Recentrly, my sleep time sis 5~6 hours but I'd like to do 8 hours : p
One more thing is how to lecture of Japan and Canada. To come right to the point, we woulde like to increase discussion. I think that only listening or writting is not interesting. I may yet fail not to get across my English but much better before one.

自分の気持ちがすべて書ききれない X(



I had a valuable experience. This is that I  met a Dietman and talked varies things. For me ,that was only fresh things. I think taht I'll study useful things for my futer!!


Last friday, we wached movie about Yakuza. Their house is near the my parents house. I don't feel danger but it's true thet they happned  murder case. I can't be deny their significance of existence but I don't forgive their doing.  When we could not talk that ,I think how does other country do that
After that, we talked to small group. I knew other country's hockey is faster then Japan at first. I noticed that other countrys and japan are alittle different to many things. I want to go forigen more and more!!



I'll have zemi of Masdan class in afternoon(*^o^*)
I'm looking forward to talk about zemi trip!!
Recently, I have a lot of things that I must do. But my life is full because I like these things.
I like talking to my friends, studying English,accountant and other things, cooking and eating (^皿^)
I never give up!!



Today, We talked about Kumamon anId to eat animals.
 About Kumamon.............
 Actually, I'm not from Kumamoto so I don't say storngly. I thi8nk Kumamon economic effect is wonderful but they should seriously then official seanes.

About animals...........
 I heard old Tapanease respect living things then they eat. so if we thank for animals , I agree to eat theirs. Ithink about eating and intelligence is not relationship. I think intelligence can't measure and we have standard as human is human, animals is animals.




Last friday, I had Masden's zemi class at first time.  We argued about habit of  bath with exchange student. and talked about zemi trip♪ I'm looking forword to travel with everyone!!

About nuclear power generation, I thought I would want to be decreased nuclear power generation if we can develop substitution energy. However secondary industry needs it so can't stop it easily.
We must give this problem more careful consideration!!



 Last sunday, I didn't get up because that day was verrrrry hoooooot!!  I couldn't get up, eat somethings and open my eyes :p That night, I ate Kakigouri at last. I thoght that it's delicious!  Everyone be careful to heat stroke.



早いものですね♪ もうすぐテスト・・・・・・・ どこの国もテスト事情は変わらないのでしょうか??
でも、今回はやる気が起きないー♡ 非常にやばい気がいたします♥♥



I had part time job at last weekend. I'm soo tired. This morning, I wake up at 8:30!! I folt heat : p So I go off my life time and my mind :<






  I have a party to celebrate my friend's  birthday. Her berthday is 25th, June.(ばらしてよかったのかな??)  She said 'I want to eat Dagashi!!' so I selected this store. This store is 'ハヤシライス'.  I choice 2500yen  course that have 10 food and  all-you-can-eat buffet of Dagashi.  It's been a while since I had Dagashis so delicious!! I was happy to my friend was surprised :)) I want to pal up with her in the future.


I went to 'おんのじ’. This store is Ramennyasan. I ate 'tukemenn'. It's  dericious!! Other menu is 'Tometo Tukemen', 'sesame Tukemen' and 'Red tukemen'. Next time, I want to eat 'Tometo Tukenmen'. It's like pasta of Italiyan because It uses tometo and  consomme. May be I cook this?..........



I went to 'りょうか' with Saika. This restaurant is izakaya. I thought food is so-so but Waiter is kind. But arrangements is ....... not good. I enjoyed my own way. I talked to my friend sooo much!!


One of the my favorite food is pumpkin. I love '栗かぼちゃ'. It's  sweets! I don't have a snoot full
. so Mont Blancof pumpkin is very nice sweets♪



 I went to 'bule Bright' with my part time job member!! This restaurant is in Shimotouri. I ate pizza,pasta,carpaccio and Syabusyabu. There were very delicious. My favorite food is pizza of seafood. I like seafood. above all, shrimp is especially. but I like salmon too. My child food, I usually eat salmon when I go to the sushi boats.
 There atmosphere is style smart and Their food is nice.  If you want to go to date with ggirlfriend, that would be nice♪



 yesterday, nouth of Kyusyu is rainny season. It'll soon be rainny season at Kumamoto. I like rainny but don't like sticky rainy.  about all like, cold rainny in winter. End up as I like sunny♪
 With that I want to have en-tout-cas. I already had umbrella and parasol but have both thigths too much to carry. On that point en-tout-cas is convenience!! so I'll go to buy this next time(^^)/


festive red rice

I ate '赤飯'. It always eat on celebratory occasions. I hate this since junior high school but I like it now.  give
myself up  to this!! sticky rice is dekicious♪


I had a part time job. I earned for my boss. I'm veeeery pleasere but work was soo hard(t_t;) I took  on an absent-mindness after work. hahaahaha
 I ate tube cake to little treat. It made my acquaintance because I called on her clothing to PC. It's very delicious. I w
ant to make like it!!



Today is nice sunny♪
 Recentry I want to have more time!! I must do many things........ so I not supplied with sufficient quantities of time:((  I want to study bokkkeeping,English and I.R........ But I fill those things in a proactive manner.



 I went to 弐ノ家 at 14,May. There is kagomati near the parco.
 I ate Gyouza,fried rice,Tenpura,salad and Nimono. My favorite food in Ninoya is Gyouza. It's smaller then overall it so easy to eat.
 I want to go there again!!


 I went to the Welcome party at 14.May. I enjoyed it. After I went down town with Yurie for shopping then we met our friend. He said ' you are cold because your name is snow'. I'm not cold!! I was said 'you are cold. hahaha!!'  thanks to him. Every one~I'm not cold~!!
 After we met Mr.yamamoto. He is very kind so he was teated us to dinner!
That day is very nice day♪



  I went to yobuko with my family when I went back to my home town in saga. I ate squid. It had lived until we ate!!  I like seafood so I'm satisfied. I enjoyed going home. I like my family(^A^)!!
  I will start part time job tomorrow・・・・・・ NEVER GIVE UP!!!


my dog

His name is Noah. His name means ddestiny. I examine Noah's ark. Noah is boy name and destiny so I tough my dog mach meaning!! I love my dog. I pet Noah like brother because I don't have yunger brother. I want his to think Noah long life. I like Noah from now♪


I went to Arita in Saga. It’s sooo many people(;;) I bought 4 plates. I wanted to get these before I went to today so I’m very happy!! I want to go this festival next year. I have my  hobby is collecting plates.



I ate this. It is Steamed meat bun. It's soooo cute and ferocious♪ I like eating but fat(;;) I'm careful too eating・・・・・



  Today is rainy:(( But I littel like rain♪ My friends say ' you are funny!! we don't like rain because getting wet1'. Am I funny??
 Next tomorrow is G.W!! I'm going to go back saga of my hometown. I'm looking forword to get 28th♪


25.April 夜カフェ

   Today is sunny but the shade is so cold X(

Yesterday, I went to '夜cafe' with Manami. I ate seafood gratin and many kind of bread. Next time, I want to eat greencurry♪

 Tomorrow, I will go to dawntown for meeting yuseikai  member. I worry this meeting 8(



  I will go to downtown with my friend♪   I didn't go there recently. I go to the school, come buck home all the day(T_T) I like to talk and meet to my friends but I want to have events!!

Aaaaaaaaa~ I want to go somewhere・・・・


Today schedule

  I'm going to go to the Suizenzi park with my seminar members. I haven't talk to almost member(;_;) so, I want to talk everyone!!
   6period is English conversation of warren. I'm pleas er it too♪ I want to make progress better than now then I talk to exchange student about many thinks(^^)


myself goal

I study bookkeeping recently. I want to take out Nittusyouboki3kyu!! I haven't studied it until now. But I study hard for the future!!


cold day

Today is very very very cold:( It return like winter.According the weather reports, It will be  hailstorm(;;) I hate cold‥‥ I hope to come Spring!!!



I went to the dorm and BBQ!
It was went to exchange of Kumamoto University:) They are sooooo funny(^_^) I wanna do again!!



Today is niceday!!
It's warm and air outside is very clear:) It will come spring since today.

KGU wil be came a mobile blood bank; a mobile blood donation center, so I will go to there and want to donate blood. I want to do anything in my power everything I can!! But I t is new experience,so I'm little fearful:(


First contribution

I contribute first time, so I'm latte nervous.
I experience new things recently,so I'm very tired. But everyday is happy because I meet my friends,my tracers and make new friends:))
I will busy yet, but I stick all things!!